Medical Training

dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) Stanley Hospital, Madras.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) King George's Hospital, Lucknow under Prof SS Misra.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) St Helen's Hospital, Ipswich, England, under Drs M Barry and CJ Stewart.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) Clare Hall Hospital, Barnet, London, under Drs Malcolm Towers and Watkin Edwards.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) Brompton Hospital, London under Dr R Gibson.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) The Middlesex Hospital, London, under Drs Walter Somerville and Richard Emanuel.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) National Heart Hospital, London, under Dr Richard Emanuel.
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) Peter Brent Brigham Hospital and Harvard Medical School under Nobel Laureate Professor Bernard Lown
dot6.jpg (5054 bytes) Speciality : Cardiology

Awards and scholarships | Medical training | Teaching experience | Visiting professorship | Experience as an examiner | Membership of committees |
Membership of professional bodies | Extra curricular | Orations | Lectures | Inaugural address Publications | Books published | Appreciation |
Scientific assessment | Holistic medicine | Photo album
