Awards and Scholarships

Awards and Scholarships



Padma Vibhushan Award in 2021

Padma Bhushan Award in 2010

Dr B C Roy National Award for the year 1999 in the category of 'Eminent Medical Teacher'

Jagdish Chander Bose Award in Life Sciences for the year 1999

Karnataka Rajyothsava Award in 1997

Ullal Srinivasa Mallya Lifetime Achivement Award in 2019

Pride of India Award from Federation of Indian Associations of Northern California in recognition of Developing and implementing higher educational policies and programs, outstanding community service and promoting Indian culture, Heritage, philosophy and values issued on August 17,2003.
Gold Medal Madras University for MBBS.
Special prize in Surgery in MBBS.
Government of India Scholarship for MD Course.
Heart and Chest Association of United Kingdom fellowship for training at Brompton Hospital, London.
Commonwealth Fellowship in Cardiology -TWICE- for Cardiology training at the Middlesex Hospital and National Heart Hospital, London.
Great teacher award in 1992.
Research Referee ship award of the Faculty of  Medicine, Kuwait University.
Best Oration award, Tamilnadu State IMA conference, Trichy 1995.
Dr. Deepak Banerjee award for the ' Best Published Paper in 1995'.
Gandhi Foundation Gujarat, 'Paper of the year award' for the paper published in the Proc. Roy. College, Edinburgh on Coronary artery revascularisation.
Distinguished Physician of India award 1995.
Awarded Research Refereeship of the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University.
Member, International Editorial Board, British Postgraduate Medical Journal, London.
Best Communicator award 1997. Public Relation Society of India.
Karnataka Rajyothsava Award in 1997
Governor’s Nominee on the Syndicate of Rajiv Gandhi Health University, Bangalore.
Member, Editorial Board Current Medical Research, Newbury, England.
International Adviser, Royal College of Physicians of London.

National Award for Excellence for 2000 by the All India Kannada Sahitya Parishat.
Baliyendra Puraskar for the year 2001 on 25th November, 2001 at Bangalore
Presidentship, All India Kannada Meet 2003, New Delhi
Stanley Alumni Award - 2003, Chennai

Scholarship/Fellowship :
Government of India Scholarship for MD Course.
Heart and Chest Association of United Kingdom fellowship for training at Brompton Hospital, London..
Commonwealth Fellowship in Cardiology -TWICE- for Cardiology training at the Middlesex Hospital and National Heart Hospital, London.
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