
Dr. Belle Monappa Hegde (Dr. B. M. Hegde)

A born teacher, Prof. B. M. Hegde started teaching in a medical school almost from his 23rd year and still does that when he gets a break. He has a brilliant scholastic record. Starting as a tutor he rose to be the Vice Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Manipal University). He trained in some of the best institutions in India, the UK, and the USA under great legendary teachers whose flair must have rubbed on him too. He was one of the rare Indians appointed a regular Visiting Prof of Cardiology at The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London way back in 1982. He was also the first Indian teacher to be invited to examine at the Royal College’s final examinations since 1988 both in the UK and laterally in Ireland.

He has been a revolutionary researcher of the refutative variety (lateral thinker) published in the UK, USA, Germany, Kuwait, China, in addition to India. His public lectures and scientific talks are a craze with the audiences both scientific and lay. His 35 books are mostly out of print. His lay articles, running into thousands, both in English and Kannada, have become household names.

India’s highest civilian awards, Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan, were awarded to him in 2021 and 2010 respectively. Dr. B C Roy National Award in the category of Eminent Medical teacher, the highest medical award in India, Dr. J C Bose award for research in life sciences, Distinguished Physician of India award, Karnataka Rajyothsava award, twelve Gold Medal Orations and 88 other named orations are but a few awards that adorn his mantelpiece.

His research organization, World Academy of Authentic Healing Sciences with its journal, The Journal of the Science of Healing outcomes (, started with the blessings of world renowned scientist, Late Professor Rustum Roy, has been in existence now for 14 years. This scientifically authenticates simple common healing methods for the common good. The editorial board has some of the great scientific names of the world including Nobel Laureates.

Professor Hegde feels that inexpensive bed side medicine practised by a compassionate doctor is the future of the healing sciences. Late Nani Palkhiwala, a great Indian jurist used to call him “a cardiologist with a heart.”

Positions held


  • Editor-in-Chief of the medical journal, Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes
  • Senior Consultant Cardiologist (visiting), PMDRC, Chennai
  • Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mangalore
  • Member, Board of Management, D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune


  • Co-Chairman of the TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and visiting Sr. Cardiologist, 2007 - 2019
  • Vice Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Manipal University), June 1999 - August 2003
  • Pro Vice Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Manipal University), January 1998 - June 1999
  • Dean/Principal of Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, August 1990 - December 1997
  • Director of PG studies, Professor & Head of the Dept. of Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
  • Senior Consultant Cardiologist in Mangalore
  • Chairman, State Health Society’s Expert Committee, Govt. of Bihar, Patna
  • Professor of Cardiology (visiting), The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London
  • Affiliate Professor of Human Health, University of Northern Colorado, USA
  • Member, Board of Governors, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal
  • Examiner for MRCP at the Royal College of Physicians (U.K.) and at the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
  • Member of Postgraduate Medical Education Board, Govt. of India
  • Non-Executive & Independent Director of Zydus Wellness, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Emeritus International Advisor to The Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh
  • Member of Karnataka Knowledge Commission

Academic background

  • SSLC - Board High School, Hiriadka (1954)
  • Intermediate - MGM College, Udupi (1956)
  • MBBS – Stanley Medical College, Madras University (1960)
  • MD – King George’s Medical College, University of Lucknow (1964)
  • MRCP – Royal Colleges of Physicians, U.K. (1969)
  • FRCP – Royal College of Physicians, London (1981)
  • FACC – American College of Cardiology, USA (1984)
  • FRCPG – Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (1985)
  • FRCPE – Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh (1986)
  • FRCPI – Royal College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland – Honorary Fellowship Conferred for Distinction (1999)
  • FAMS – Elected fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (2002)


  • Padma Vibhushan 2021
  • Padma Bhushan 2010
  • Dr B C Roy National Award for the year 1999 in the category of “Eminent Medical Teacher”
  • Jagdish Chander Bose Award in Life Sciences for the year 1999
  • Karnataka Rajyothsava Award in 1997
  • Ullal Srinivasa Mallya Lifetime Achievement Award 2019
  • Pride of India Award from Federation of Indian Associations of Northern California in recognition of Developing and implementing higher educational policies and programs, outstanding community service and promoting Indian culture, Heritage, philosophy and values issued on August 17, 2003
  • Distinguished Physician of India Award 1995
  • Gandhi Foundation Gujarat, 'Paper of the year award' for the paper published in the Proc.Roy. College, Edinburgh on Coronary artery revascularisation
  • Gold Medal Madras University for MBBS
  • Best Oration Award, Tamilnadu State IMA conference, Trichy 1995
  • Special prize in Surgery in MBBS
  • Best Communicator Award by Public Relation Society of India in 1997
  • Dr. Deepak Banerjee Award for the 'Best Published Paper in 1995'
  • Research Referee ship award of the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University
  • National Award for Excellence for 2000 by the All India Kannada Sahitya Parishat
  • Baliyendra Puraskar for the year 2001 on 25th November, 2001 at Bangalore
  • Presidentship, All India Kannada Meet 2003, New Delhi
  • Stanley Alumni Award - 2003, Chennai


  • Government of India Scholarship for MD Course
  • Heart and Chest Association of United Kingdom fellowship for training at Brampton Hospital, London
  • Commonwealth Fellowship in Cardiology - TWICE - for Cardiology training at the Middlesex Hospital and National Heart Hospital, London

Medical Training Obtained

  • Stanley Hospital, Madras
  • King George's Hospital, Lucknow under Prof SS Misra
  • St Helen's Hospital, Ipswich, England ,under Drs M Barry and CJ Stewart
  • Clare Hall Hospital, Barnet, London , under Drs Malcolm Towers and Watkin Edwards
  • Brompton Hospital, London under Dr R Gibson
  • The Middlesex Hospital, London, under Drs Walter Somerville and Richard Emanuel
  • National Heart Hospital , London, under Dr Richard Emanuel
  • Peter Brent Brigham Hospital and Harvard Medical School under Professor Bernard Lown
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