Posted by bmhegde on 1
Since 1991 the Le Rire Medecin (Laughing Doctors), a group of 28 people, have worked very closely with other members of the health teams in the hospitals in France. The members of the group go round hospitals once or twice a week and entertain children and also sick patients in other areas, especially cancer patients. In Paris alone they perform in six hospitals and annually they touch the lives of more than 30, 000 children and their parents and 60,000 medical and para-medical personnel.

In an American movie, Patch Adam, the good effects of humour in the hospital, especially children's ward, has been artistically brought out. I am also given to understand that there are a few other organizations doing such humanitarian work in other countries. The Big Apple Circus Clown Unit in NewYork, the Doutores da Alegeria in Brazil, and Die Clownen Doctors in Germany are the others.