Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored!
Posted by bmhegde on 1
Aldous Huxley didn’t write the above golden line for nothing. Today we see this happening in every field. I was amazed to read the top head lines in The Times, London on the 14th March proclaiming to the world that one need not worry about heart attacks any more as the Holy Grail of heart attack prevention has arrived! Single pill taken daily could prevent heart attacks by half and save millions of lives! So goes the story. See below:
“Doctors discover drug to reverse heart disease.
· 'Holy grail' drug breaks up fat that leads to heart attacks and strokes.
· Four out of five patients successfully treated; no serious side effects.
· Around 2m British people affected by narrowed arteries caused by fat.
"For the first time, we have shown that it is possible to turn the clock back in the arteries of people with heart disease" – Dr. Neal Uren, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.” Scotsman of 14th March.
This “man biting the dog” story is making headlines here while people die all over the world of “dog biting man” resulting in Rabies which does not make headlines or even bottom lines!
Look at the news breaking in The Times, London!
“One pill a day to beat heart disease. The Times March 14, 2006.
By Sam Lister, Health Correspondent.
MILLIONS of people with heart disease may be able to reverse their illness and stave off heart attacks by taking higher doses of cholesterol-busting drugs, according to a land mark study!”
Now for facts hidden in these reports:
· “The research showed that intensive treatment reduced plaque volume by almost 10 per cent.”
· “Tests found that as LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, was reduced — to a level of less than 2 millimoles per litre (mmol/l) — fatty deposits in the arteries also showed a slight regression.”
· “Peter Weissberg, medical director of the British Heart Foundation, said the study was “very encouraging” but added that it remained to be seen that atheroma reduction would mean fewer heart attacks!”
· The original research paper is yet to be published in the Journal of the American Medical Association only next month on the 5th April 2006.
Let us get at the truth. Every single so-called land mark study came up this way. Now they are trying to prepare the general public by making it appear that this is a drug that will save mankind from the jaws of death etc, and then they will get it published in the “important scientific “journal for the medical profession. There are very few who question this kind of data. Here, if one reads in between the lines, that quote from the medical director of the British Heart Foundation tells the whole story that boils down to the following simple facts (truths) never shown in these reports.
· Atheroma reduction is not heart attack reduction.
· Lesser the amount of atheroma in the arterial wall, higher the chance of heart attacks.
· Less than 30% of the heart attack related vessels are more than 50% blocked! So it is the small atheromatous plaque that is dangerous and not an advanced calcified plaque.
· Cholesterol reduction is not the same as disease reduction.
· Reduced cholesterol could, at times, be more dangerous in the causation of cancer.
· Lowered cholesterol might, at best, change the label on the death certificate but might not change the date- at times, it might even advance the date of death.
· Recent French study of “old elderly” showed that those with highest cholesterol lived the longest.
· What brings on a heart attack is the final clot inside a vessel and not atherosclerosis- we do not yet know why clot occurs.
· Statins are one of the leading drugs that result in adverse drug reactions.
· Adverse drug reactions are one of the most important causes of death in the world.
· All cholesterol lowering drugs, from the first cholestyramine to the latest statins with many others in between, in the last half a Century, have not reduced total deaths at the end of the day despite the fact that they all reduced cholesterol very effectively!
· There are large loop holes in this great theory of cholesterol being the greatest enemy of mankind.
· In fact, cholesterol is the life giver. I am told recently by a reliable source that a great molecular biologist, knowing the good effects of cholesterol, is feeding his child daily with extra cholesterol. I must check its authenticity, though. Anyone interested in knowing the other side of the coin of this cholesterol theory should get into this wonderful web site put up by some of the top scientists of the world. www.thincs.org
· Every human body cell, of which there one hundred thousand billion in all, have the cell wall made up of cholesterol.
· Any cell, without a robust wall is a dangerous cell.
· Every day billions of cells die a natural death-apoptosis. They have to be replaced by new cells.
· New cell formation needs good dose of cholesterol in the system and that is precisely why 90% of one’s cholesterol is made in one’s own liver.
· Even if one eats grass still the cholesterol 90% is made in the body-endogenous cholesterol.
· Cholesterol lowering drugs block the enzyme action in the liver and God only knows what will happen to the multitude of body functions that need the liver the act normally. Liver is body’s main chemical factory.
· The greatest myth of all these is the fact that in people who are “healthy” changing any parameter might not do good in the long run as predicted. The dynamic and holistic human system works in a non-linear fashion where time evolution is unpredictable. Slight changes initially might even produce catastrophic outcomes as time evolves. This is called “butterfly effect” in physics.
The judgment on this new avatar of the cholesterol saga is that is yet to be proven to help mankind although, it might change the cholesterol level in the blood. This kind of corrections for body parameters is called “euboxic medicine”. This is necessary for the defensive medicine but could make the patient have a dysboxic premature exit from this universe! A good product does not need advertisement-that too prematurely.
Peter Weissberg, medical director of the British Heart Foundation, said the study was “very encouraging” but added that it remained to be seen that atheroma reduction would mean fewer heart attacks.