Posted by bmhegde on 1
Wars are born in the minds of men. We see the dark clouds of war hovering above our heads these days, thickening by the day. The present American administration seems bent upon invading Iraq for reasons best known to them. The peace loving majority of this world seem to be powerless in the face of the American might to even advice them to see reason that hatred only begets more hatred, leaving mankind suffering at the end of the day. “Man, proud man, dressed with a brief sense of authority, his glassy essence, like an angry ape, performs such fantastic tricks against high Heavens that makes even the angels weep” wrote Shakespeare years ago. The present scenario would make even mankind weep for a long time. We should not forget that about one half of the Iraqi population is only children.
Time was when wars were fought for reasons that would eventually bring peace on earth. Today wars are thought to be the best way to settle personal scores over one’s enemies, irrespective of what happens to the world at large. Having accepted the principle of national sovereignty, it does not make sense for one country, howsoever powerful it is to impose its will on another nation. This principle would lead to anarchy in this world if allowed to succeed. Thinking people should try to put an end to this madness. If the excuse for war is that Saddam is a dangerous man having weapons of mass destruction what of the countries who have stockpiled these weapons for decades now? In fact the first country ever to drop an atom bomb on another country is America. In 1944 atom bomb was the most dangerous weapon in anyone’s possession. Having amassed all the possible deadly weapons themselves, they are now preaching to the world that others should not possess them. It reminds me of the Devil reading the scriptures. Saddam, if he has those weapons, is as guilty as others having them are. Any country could throw up a bad leader at any time. Democracy is no guarantee against that danger. In a democracy the vicious minority could hold the silent majority to ransom very easily. Elections could be manipulated overtly or covertly. Any sensible person could make out how hollow the elections are. Many of the good people who do not go to vote help the bad people to get elected!