Posted by bmhegde on 1
The conventional schooling system rarely equips the child with the realities of life. Many children come out of the school - nay even college, after professional training, believing that life is a bed of roses. The competitive ethos instilled into the impressionable minds of the innocent children leaves behind permanent footprints of most of the negative thoughts that would torment the person throughout life. The present wisdom in the field of medical sciences shows how these very negative thoughts of pride, jealousy, frustration, anger and hatred are the leading risk factors for most of the killer diseases.
Right from day one at kindergarten school, the innocent child, with the mind full of universal compassion, is put through the rigmarole of the information loaded, memory dependent, examination system, which makes the child compare himself/herself with others in the class. The system also encourages the children to compete with one another for marks, ranks, prizes, and medals. This very system generates, for the first time, negative thoughts in the child's mind. Co-operation, camaraderie, altruism and living in harmony with others are never brought into the educational process.
Consequently, the child never realizes the single most important truth in life - competing with others is only mediocrity while competing with oneself is excellence. Children are also not taught that co-operation is the universal law of Nature where every living thing depends on others to survive. Human beings are no exception.
This little booklet tries to convey the universal truth in the form of a story which is, in part at least, known to school children. Building on that theme, the story has several facets, which convey the life's motto to the child. Hope this small contribution to children’s education would go a long way in changing the human mind. The human mind is very receptive to new ideas in the school-going age. May the new generation get inspired!
Chapter I
Hare and the Tortoise
Once upon a time, a Hare, which was very proud of its capacity to run fast, invited the Tortoise for a competitive run of two miles distance. The over- confidant Hare was very sure that it would win the race very easily. The Tortoise, in its innocence, agreed for the competition hoping that it would be a level playing ground.
At the appointed day and time, the race began from a fixed point. The Hare ran so fast that it was far ahead of the Tortoise, which was slowly making its way forward towards the goal. The proud Hare thought that it is almost near the end of the race and was very sure that the Tortoise would never catch up. The Hare took it very easy and thought it would take a little rest in between but fell asleep in the bargain. The Tortoise, however, continued. The slow and steady Tortoise eventually reached the goal earlier than the proud Hare which, while trying to take rest, fell fast asleep, only to wake up after the Tortoise had reached the goal. The slow and steady Tortoise won the race.
Moral of the story:
* Slow and steady wins the race. It is perseverance that takes one forward in life.
Chapter II
Second Race
The Hare, having been defeated, never lost its enthusiasm. It understood that failure is not the end of the road. It is only a stepping stone to success. It invited the Tortoise again for a second race.
This time round the Hare did not want to take any chances. It did not want to live only on the imaginary running strength that it had. It wanted to work hard and win.
Tortoise agreed reluctantly, though. The race began. The Hare started running. It never stopped running until it reached its goal. The Tortoise was running at its usual slow speed.
Minutes later the Hare won the race hands down.
Moral of the story:
* Pride does not help
* Failure is not the end in itself.
* Perseverance and hard work do not kill.
* It is good to learn from one's mistakes.
* Winning and losing are not important. What is important is how one plays the game.
Chapter. III
The Third Race
The defeated Tortoise did not want to give up. It realized that if there is a will there is a way. This time round the Tortoise invited the Hare for a long run through a different route. En route, there was a small river to cross.
The Hare, drunk with the pride of success of the last win, readily agreed to the competition without taking note of the total picture into consideration.
At the appointed time, on a particular day, the race began. The Tortoise started its steady race. The Hare started running from the word "Go". When the Hare reached the bank of the river on the way, it had to stop and think as to how to cross the river. While it was thinking of the way to cross the river, the Tortoise crawled along and easily got into the water, swam across to the other bank of the river and moved on to reach the goal and win the race. The Hare was left behind on the bank of the river. The Tortoise won the race.
Moral of the story:
* Never pre-judge anything. Always take all aspects into consideration before taking decisions.
* Never, ever, give up in life.
* If there is a will there is a way.
* The meek shall inherit the earth.
Chapter. IV
The Final Race
This time the Hare learnt from its past experience. Wise people learn from their mistakes. Wiser people learn from others’ mistakes. Hare realized that competition would only make someone to win and others to lose. It wondered, if everyone co-operates, it is possible for all to win.
This time, for the final race the Hare invited its friend, the Tortoise, to cooperate with running the race. On the fixed day and time, the Hare and the Tortoise started running. Whereas, the Hare, having reached the river bank earlier, had to wait for the Tortoise to arrive, this time the Hare ran along side the Tortoise. When they reached the riverbank, the Hare got on to the Tortoise’s back. The Tortoise swam across the river with the Hare riding on its back. Both of them reached the other bank of the river and moved on happily to reach their goal. Both the Hare and the Tortoise eventually won the race together.
Moral of the story:
* Competition will have winners and losers.
* Cooperation will have only winners.
* Nothing is impossible if we work together.
* Winning and losing are like the day and the night.
* United we stand and divided we fall.
* Let us live and let live.
Chapter. V
The Ancient Indian Subhashita
Kohi Bhaaraha Samarthaanaam?
Kim Doorum Vyaavasaayinaam?
Kaha paraha privaadinaam?
Ko videshi savidyanaam?
What is heavy for a man with strength?
What is distance for a hard worker?
Who is a stranger for a good-hearted man?
Who is a foreigner for a well educated human being?